
Showing posts from August, 2022


  According to Ukrainian military intelligence as well as mass media the deceitful kremlin, through its proxies in the DPR, plans to organize a “ show trial ” of prisoners of war from the Azov regiment in violation of the agreements and Geneva Convention by the end of summer . We want to remind that the defenders of Mariupol reluctantly laid down their arms under the guarantees from the International Committee of  Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nation (UN) in the middle of May after almost three months of defending the city. International organizations have guaranteed that Ukrainian defenders will be held captive in accordance with international norms. In reality, russians are planning to hold a “show trial” against the warriors of Azovstal in the temporarily occupied Mariupol, this time violating agreements not only with Ukraine, but with international organizations. To hold a show trial, iron cages are being installed on the premises of the surviving philharmonic hall, in w...


  Stand with Ukraine Gothenburg supports the initiatives of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland to stop issuing tourist visas to Russian nationals. Proposal to ban Schengen visas for Russian nationals is now submitted to the European Union for discussion. We call on all the EU states to take a decision on visa ban for citizens of Russia. Russians traveling to the EU states is related with the security risk for all the Schengen member states. How can we guarantee that a Russian citizen who received a tourist visa is coming as a tourist and not as a spy? Many of us remember the Scripal case, when two Russian intelligence agents entered UK on tourist visas to poison Skripal with military-grade nerve agent. The Kremlin claimed that these two men were tourists. Russian GRU spy Sergey Cherkasov has tried to infiltrate International Criminal Court (ICC), under fake identity and applying for internship at the ICC in the Hague. The threat posed by this intelligence officer was de...


  Representanter för Stand With Ukraine Gothenburg och Nordic Ukraine Forum har idag träffat statssekreterare Magnus Nilsson på utrikesdepartementet för att överlämna en vädjan till riksdagen om att erkänna Ryssland som en terroriststat. Tio svenska organisationer med kopplingar till Ukraina har slutit upp bakom skrivelsen som även skickas till riksdagspartiernas gruppledare och ledamöterna i utrikesutskottet. I skrivelsen påminner organisationerna om att förutom civila offer i form av dödade och skadade har oskyldiga systematiskt fallit offer för kidnappningar, tortyr och våldtäkt. Fler än 200 000 ukrainska barn har tvångsförflyttats till ryskt territorium i syfte att utrota deras ukrainska identitet. – Ryssland har tagit hela Ukraina som gisslan med sina väpnade styrkor och väljer medvetet och systematiskt civila mål för bombning, säger initiativtagarna från Stand with Ukraine Gothenburg. Organisationerna listar en rad punkter i sin vädjan till riksdagen. Överst står att klass...


  After the start of the war, when Russia invaded Ukraine, we came across many posts from organizations and individuals in Europe, that spread propaganda in favor of Russia. Russian propaganda is a representation of so-called black propaganda when the majority of the facts, if not all, are tuned from top to bottom to suit the Kremlin’s intentions. The type of propaganda from the organizations in Europe that in one way or other support the Russian government is mostly gray. In this case, one starts with facts that really happened, but then changes the direction of discussion or delivery of information from the real problem/origin of the problem to a completely different agenda. By changing the focus, the manipulator distracts the public from an attempt to solve a problem and buys time, in this case, for Kremlin to commit the crimes without any consequences. Most of the organizations/individuals mentioned above pose themselves as “peacemakers”. Noble intention, but what is in realit...

RUSSIAN NUCLEAR TERRORISM: looming tragedy in Europe

  Right at this moment, russian occupiers took hostage Europe's largest nuclear power plant and turned it into the military base. As reported by The Insider , it has been mined by russians. A potential catastrophe can be 10 times more devastating then the one in Chornobyl directly impacting people’s lifes from half of Europe. IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Rafael Mariano describes the situation at the nuclear power plant as follows: “The current situation is untenable. Every day it continues; every day that vital maintenance work is delayed; every day that supply chain interruptions cause a break in the delivery of vital equipment; every day the decision-making ability of Ukrainian staff is compromised; every day the independent work and assessments of Ukraine’s regulator are undermined; the risk of an accident or a security breach increases” Ukrainian stuff of the station are working under constant moral and physical pressure from the occupiers. On...


  Activists from the Ukrainian community in Sweden, Stand With Ukraine Gothenburg, have analyzed the recent Amnesty International report, in which the Ukrainian army is accused of endangering civilians.   “We express our outrage at this report and treat it as a direct attack on Ukrainian defenders, our brothers and sisters, who fight against a facist force,”   Gothenbug activists said.   There is neither evaluation nor reflection in the report of all the crimes and atrocities committed by the russians in Ukraine. The concept of an aggressor and a victim has been put upside down. As Ukrainian minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba pointed out, the report establishes a false balance between the aggressor and the victim which is a distortion of the reality, justification of the aggressor’s crimes. The only source of danger for the civilian population in Ukraine is russian occupiers that violated numerous international laws and agreements by invading Ukraine and wagin...


  A destroyed Russian tank is seen in a backyard garden of a local resident Valerii in the village of Velyka Dymerka, Kyiv region, Ukraine, July 22. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Russia is a terrorist state. And sadly this is not something newly invented. Starting from the previous century and even earlier - during csar times - russian rulers practiced methods of terror openly against Ukrainians, Crimea Tatars, Estonians, Finns, Checks, Polish, Central Asian nations, Siberian, and Asian Tatars which are now part of russia, against many other nations.   What is terror? From Latin terror is “fright, fear, dread”. Russians used politics of fear so many times, and still do. They frightened populations of people, including the internal russian population which now to the extent is not only brainwashed but also oppressed, namely terrorized. I remind you that another meaning of terror is “systematized use of focused violence”, which will be applied to anyone in russia and dependent on ...