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A destroyed Russian tank is seen in a backyard garden of a local resident Valerii in the village of Velyka Dymerka, Kyiv region, Ukraine, July 22. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko |
Russia is a terrorist state. And sadly this is not something newly invented. Starting from the previous century and even earlier - during csar times - russian rulers practiced methods of terror openly against Ukrainians, Crimea Tatars, Estonians, Finns, Checks, Polish, Central Asian nations, Siberian, and Asian Tatars which are now part of russia, against many other nations.
What is terror? From Latin terror is “fright, fear, dread”. Russians used politics of fear so many times, and still do. They frightened populations of people, including the internal russian population which now to the extent is not only brainwashed but also oppressed, namely terrorized. I remind you that another meaning of terror is “systematized use of focused violence”, which will be applied to anyone in russia and dependent on its territories who will try to publically argue with the russian political course or try to fact-check official russian history, or even try to organize one-man protest action. Just the fear atmosphere that is being created in russia, and spread out of it - is real terror itself. So term “terroristic state” perfectly applies to this country - it is just what it is.
Russian external politics long before was and still is based not on following the laws, especially international laws, but on intimidation, bluffing and threats, and demands. There is no way you can trust russia. How can you trust someone cheating, producing fakes, constantly and openly lying, blackmailing? It is the official politics of the russian federation. This is simply how everything works in this country.
In the case of Ukraine tale about brotherhood nations began from the fake history of the relocation of Slavic people from Kyiv Rus to moskovia region where “russia was established by Slavic ancestors”. In the reality, the moskovia region was settled by the Finno-Ugric population, which gave birth to the core of russia as it is right now. Ukrainians have another historical root. It is well known that capturing Kyiv, its land, and history long ago became an aim of moscovia rulers. But let’s check shortly a few centuries of history of russian terror against Ukraine.
Short history of russian terror in Ukraine
1708 – the Ukrainian cossack's capital city of Baturyn was destructed by the tsar’s order. All its inhabitants - 6,000 men, women, and children - were murdered with exceptional cruelty, and the city was destroyed and burned.
From 1720 to 1914
• Russian tsars banned the Ukrainian language, including its usage in official institutions, destruction of Ukrainian printing houses, and burning of Ukrainian books.
• Forced russification of Ukraine and the Baltic States, Finland.
• Closure of the oldest Ukrainian University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
• Liquidation of the Ukrainian judiciary and any local autonomy of Ukraine.
• Repressions on prominent Ukrainian outstanding poet “father of the nation” Taras Shevchenko, his imprisonment and exile to the north of Russia.
• Closure of Ukrainian Sunday and free schools for adults.
• Ban on Ukrainian theater, texts of Ukrainian songs with sheet music, ban on baptizing children with Ukrainian names.
• Repression against famous figures of Ukrainian culture, deportation of many thousands of Ukrainians to Siberia.
In USSR before World War II
• 1917-1920 - The war of the russian red army against Ukraine and the occupation of Ukraine by russian soviet troops.
• 1921-1923 - Famine in the steppe regions of Ukraine, caused by the policy of "war communism" and forced withdrawal of food from peasants, as a result of which up to 1.5 million peasants in Ukraine died.
• 1929 - Arrests of prominent figures of Ukrainian science, culture, and church.
• 1929-1930 - Forced collectivization of peasants in Ukraine. Eviction of hundreds of thousands of wealthy Ukrainian peasants to Siberia and the Far East.
• 1930 - The trial in Kharkiv of 45 figures of Ukrainian science, literature, culture, and the church.
• 1932-33 - Organization of an artificial famine in Ukraine by the bolshevik regime, as a result of which 8 million Ukrainian peasants died. Mass relocation of Russians to extinct Ukrainian villages.
• 1933 - Mass killing of Ukrainians in the Kuban region.
• 1934-41 - Destruction of architectural and cultural monuments in various cities of Ukraine, arrest, and execution of 80% of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, repressions, and killings against Ukrainian national musitians - kobza players.
• 1938 - Introduction of the Russian language as compulsory in all schools of Ukraine.
• 1939-1941 - Large-scale repression by the soviet system against Ukrainians in the western regions. Mass deportations of the Ukrainian population to remote regions.
After World War II
• "Purges" accused of "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism", from January 1949 to September 1952. 2000 of its members were expelled from the Communist Party on charges of Ukrainian nationalism.
• During 1952-1956, approximately 100000 young men and women left Ukraine for Siberia and Kazakhstan to “develop virgin and fallow lands”, who were forced to go there because there was no other choice.
• Repressions of cultural figures, political figures from Ukraine, arrests, trials, executions, murders, poisoning of political prisoners, purges in political circles, sentencing to maximum terms of imprisonment in strict regime camps, and exile to remote regions of Russia, strengthening the study of the russian language in Ukrainian schools, the strengthening of russification and the decree on a single official national language (russian).
Before 2013
• Energy terror against Ukraine (gas wars). As Ukraine was dependent on russian gas, russia blackmailed Ukraine many times by gas prices.
• Informational terror - exaggeration of the threat of Ukrainian “nationalism”, anti-Ukrainian rhetoric inside Russia was done for preparations to war with Ukraine. Since 2010, many thousands of books about the good sides of Stalinism have been published in Russia, and whole series of inferior books about military fiction. In these books, Russian heroes defeated “nazis” in Ukraine, thereby defeating the "West". The books were published en masse, deliberately fueling the vindictive sentiments of the Russians and turning them against Ukraine. The names of some books are "Wild west: on Ukraine’s ruins", “Ukraine in blood: banderite genocide”, etc.. Anti-Ukrainian rhetoric intensified on Russian television.
• Language terror - russia appealed so many times to the same narrative that the russian-speaking population was oppressed in Ukraine. In fact, this never happened. Russian language was widely used and never oppressed to the extent russia was trying to show to its own population. Fake “language issue” allowed russia to excuse its direct aggression in Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk regions as “protection of the Russian-speaking population”.
• Political terror - from the time Ukraine became an independent state in 1991 russia was building its network of influence by indirectly financing pro-russian politics and political parties in Ukraine and actually supporting corruption in authorities. Pro-russian president Viktor Yanukovych built his own network of bandit groups that were trying to merge with local authorities. Pro-russian politicians never had an agenda strong army and strong democratic institutions in Ukraine, which was totally profitable to russia.
• Terror in occupied regions of Ukraine - in Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions.
There were many official reports made by international organizations like Human Rights Watch regarding human rights violations on territories, occupied by russia. They all say same - opression, tortures, terror.
• The terrorist war against Ukraine, terror in occupied territories, food terror.
Russia is waging an aggressive war of extermination, violating all laws, including the rules of war, using prohibited types of weapons, torturing and killing military prisoners, civilians, children. Russia deliberately blocks the export routes of Ukrainian food products - grain especially - intended for other countries, thereby provoking hunger, blackmailing the world with it.
Why did that go wrong with russians and when this has happened?
Russian rulers adopted a terror approach from the old days when the so-called Moskovia was the part of Mongol Empire. The foundation of Moscow itself was sanctioned by the Mongol Khan. Moscow for many centuries was the regional outskirt of the Mongol Empire which influenced it a lot.
After Mongol Empire weakened, russian rulers attempted to grab its past greatness based on Christianity, which further played a key role in the subjugation of the local Finno-Ugric pagan population of the central region of modern Russia.
Christianity had the power to unite tribes. The priest among others was an instrument of subjugation in those days. That’s why it was much more convenient for the rulers to deal with the parish community of natives united around the church than with spread pagan tribes which often had their views and beliefs.
While building its state mostly from local forestry tribes, with both good help of force and Christianity, having big ambitions based on the Mongol Empire legacy, early russian rulers wanted to have even more greatness, which they attempted to obtain by capturing the idea of the Third Rome.
The idea to become the successor of the Great Rome Empire by obtaining the heritage of the Byzantium became the key reason for the substitution of real Christian values by pseudo-Christianity in russia. Russian Christianity was constantly trying to get this heritage from Byzantium, but these attempts resulted in russian Christianity becoming the state servant, serving for the exaltation of the state, csar, and “russian nation”.
Staring from those old days russian orthodox church was, and still is, people’s oppressor. Even nowadays instead of showing the way to God and working on strengthening the human soul solemnly in the face of earthly troubles (which is the real aim of religion and church), russian church works as a chauvinistic tool by injecting into the population ideas of russian world and greatness.
Real Christianity and the real church should be the mouthpiece that provides the highest values to the people. These values, for sure, include human life as the most important thing. Church aims to show how to save and enrich human life so every individual could be able to find proper methods for solving conflicts and material problems based on higher values. Proper above all means peaceful.
Still, russian church supports an aggressive conquering war against Ukraine. It does so by blessing nuclear rockets named “Satan”, promoting the fake imperialistic idea of russian world, and by supporting the concept of fear and favoritism of God (God is in favor of everyone, who expresses favor to “russian world”). Doing this instead of showing God’s love to all humans to the same extent - the same God’s love to Russians, Americans, or Ukrainians - leads russia and its church to the equivalent of the death of the human soul, meanwhile misleading millions of russian population. Misleading by evil intention.
Just think for a moment: main russian instruction that should provide the basement for morality, values for essential education in society, lead through the earthly life, openly provides russians indulgence for the war in Ukraine. Holy aggressive predatory war in the interest of state imperial politics. Holly terror.
So, having such indulgence from the church russian state through russian army, through non-legitimate local “officials” in occupied territories of Ukraine, provides politics of suppression, intimidation, and reprisal against all whom they suspect showing sympathy to Ukraine. This is politics of fear and terror.
The methods of oppression and terror invented in the Mongol Empire, applied by russian csars with the help of russian church to their population and neighbors, later highly developed by the soviet communist regime and tested by it worldwide, now inherited by russian federation from USSR are used with even more evil force without any real reason in Ukraine. To cover these “lies and more lies” became the unspoken motto of internal and external politics of russian federation.
Starting from the occupation of Crimea in 2014 russia suppress the indigenous people of Crimea - Crimean Tatars in all possible ways. So many cases of kidnapping, unjust convictions, and torture in Crimea are documented since 2014. They continue the same kind of terror that their predecessors from USSR were doing in 1944 when the deportation of Crimean Tatars to Siberia was done.
But most frightening, most oblivious, and most seen now is the terror of the whole Ukrainian population which they provide through regular rocket launches. Russia sends rockets from its territory or Black Sea - namely from afar, consciously targeting civilians and civil infrastructure, trying hard to frighten the Ukrainian population. There is plenty of confirmation of this. Each day. Sending the rockets from afar. Targeting civilians. How would you call this? War with civilians? But the real name of this is terror at the state level.
Sadly to admit, but in general russian population accepts this politics. For many years russian state fed the population with the rhetorics of external threats. Like, enemies everywhere -> russian world greatness -> russia will take revenge. This "educational" job was done well. Fortunately not so well as in the famous 1984 by George Orwell, but well enough to justify war in Ukraine for the internal population. But not to the international community.
Attempting to fool the internal population by calling the war in Ukraine a “special operation” started with the aim “to defend russia from Ukrainian threat that will appear otherwise” is a perfect example of disinformation and lie made with the purpose, done knowingly and according to the predefined state strategy. There was no thread from Ukraine to russia except the fresh wind of freedom from the young and real democracy. Still, people in russia trust these lies, still, teachers in russian schools feed children with similar official agendas. This politics probably will be not enough to brainwash the whole population, but it for sure will produce a disoriented generation(s) that will be ready to act without thinking. Because these generation(s) were taught to consume sweet fake reality without thinking. And probably were not taught to collect and analyze information from different sources and express a personal opinion without fear to be oppressed.
Or another way - the trust of the russian population was on purpose fixed on the wrong ideas and ideals. War of the conquest of another independent state might look good if you call it a “special operation on saving our motherland”. Killing civilians, even women, and children might look good if you murdered “nationalists”, “nationalist women” and “small nationalists”. A daylight rocket attack at the office center in the heart of the big city might look good if you justify it with “a meeting of the nationalist military command was held there”. The mass killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war by blowing up the entire building in which they are located can always be called an attack by the Ukrainian military, who decided to destroy their own soldiers in captivity.
Terror also might look good if you call it “perforced assistance in the re-education of nationalist elements”. More sincere russians call it just “denazification of Ukraine”. But terror is still terror. And it might not have any justification.
I wonder how would they justify destruction with the help of artillery and rockets of many hundred thousand residential blocks and even whole cities? Mariupol, Irpin and Bucha, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Severodonetsk, Lysychansk...
Terror in any form is the application of the wrong tools and methods for achieving the goal. But terror can not solve any root problem. The promise to arrange doomsday for Ukraine done by the russian state official recently (medvedev) - how do you call this except nuclear terror? What problem might solve mass destruction? Only give birth to new ones. Humanity already taught these lessons during WW2.
The time has come to call things by their names. Russia - is a terrorist state. And it does not only provide terror by itself but also finances and supports terrorists overseas. North Korea, Iran, Islamic organizations, the Syrian dictatorship, and the Belorussian bloody ruler - are some recent examples. What might be world look like if just only russia was not financing terror on a word scale starting from the beginning of the USSR?
Russia should be officially called a “Terrorist state” and hold this shameful name until they apply full and true de-nazification and de-imperialisation to themselves until their refuse to follow the revenge road and start to respect international laws.
There is something called the human soul:
The soul is the self-reflective, truth-discerning, and spirit-perceiving part of man which forever elevates the human being above the level of the animal world. Moral self-consciousness is true human self-realization and constitutes the foundation of the human soul, and the soul is that part of man which represents the potential survival value of human experience. Moral choice and spiritual attainment, the ability to know God and the urge to be like him, are the characteristics of the soul. The soul of man cannot exist apart from moral thinking and spiritual activity. A stagnant soul is a dying soul.
Educating the human soul with love and care, not with fear and lies with time should solve many if not all problems of civilization. If the soul is fed with fright and terror it will simply die. Human personally has no other way except to follow the human soul.
If we want to build the world for the living (spoiler - we do want), if we want to educate peace builders of the future, then our instructions (will it be churches, families, schools, anything else, or all of them together) should be caring about feeding the soul with proper food. It should be love, care, and mercy; it should be truth beauty, and goodness.
An adult behaves responsibly. Responsible behavior is honest behavior. Only an immature person behaves irresponsibly. Currently, the country of russia is behaving irresponsibly as an immature country, and therefore its opportunities will naturally always be limited until it dares to take honest and fair responsibility for its current and past actions; until it pays off its debts and settles all her past affairs; until it makes up for all the evil it has done.
Anton Miroshnichenko
August 2022
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