RUSSIAN NUCLEAR TERRORISM: looming tragedy in Europe


Right at this moment, russian occupiers took hostage Europe's largest nuclear power plant and turned it into the military base.
As reported by The Insider, it has been mined by russians. A potential catastrophe can be 10 times more devastating then the one in Chornobyl directly impacting people’s lifes from half of Europe.
IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Rafael Mariano describes the situation at the nuclear power plant as follows:
“The current situation is untenable. Every day it continues; every day that vital maintenance work is delayed; every day that supply chain interruptions cause a break in the delivery of vital equipment; every day the decision-making ability of Ukrainian staff is compromised; every day the independent work and assessments of Ukraine’s regulator are undermined; the risk of an accident or a security breach increases”
Ukrainian stuff of the station are working under constant moral and physical pressure from the occupiers. On top of this, the russian army fired rockets at the city of Enerhodar, hitting the site of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant directly next to the area used for storing spent nuclear fuel on the evening of August 6.
Momentarily, the rashists accused the Ukrainian Army in the shelling as it was done with the case of mass execution of POWs in Olenivka. It is not hard to debunk these allegations from always cunning and lying side by mentioning several facts. Russian military attacked the nuclear plant in March firing at buildings in the power plant while setting one of them ablaze, caring less about consequences of the assault.
Numerous reports of shelling of Nikopol (city on opposite side of Dnipro river) from the area of the nuclear power is reported that confirm an assumption that russians use it as a military object.
IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano, in the article above, notices that “the Ukrainian government at the highest levels has requested that the IAEA send a mission to Zaporizhzhya”. Former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko on Skynews called the Security Council of the UN to send peacekeeping troops in the area of the plant.
Any doubts left about who was firing at the nuclear plant on August 6? One thing to remember: never trust the KGB-like operatives that run the Kremlin.
Having stalled on all the fronts, russian occupiers tuned to the open nuclear terrorism blackmailing the whole world.
All countries in the world have to react immediately!
1. Impose much harder sanctions on russian federation to keep crazy maniacs at bay.
2. The UN must kick out russian delegation from the Security Council.
3. The Security Council of the UN has to send peacekeepers in the area of the nuclear power plant.

Failing to implement the aforementioned steps will cost direly for the whole world! 

Stand with Ukraine Gothenburg 🇸🇪🇺🇦


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