Ukrainians' love for motherland vs abuse of other nations by Russia


Daily Russian propaganda portrays Ukrainians as aggressive nationalists. In reality, it is a projection of their own emotions associated with the word.
You will never hear a Ukrainian saying that he or she is better than others, smarter than others, stronger than others, or more spiritual than others only because of being Ukrainian.
No Ukrainian will ever say that Ukrainianness is given by God, which gives the right to be arrogant and feel superior. Ukrainians have an instinctive, historically established urge to preserve their identity. Their language, culture and peaceful life on their land.
Ukrainians just want to stay being Ukrainians. They feel big and beautiful love of own self. Not barbaric hatred of others as Russians do.
Russians' national chauvinism is soaked in racism and xenophobia towards Ukrainians.
Russians consider themselves "the great chosen Slavs". They will use total destruction of everything alive to make their neighbor country as miserable as their own one. Putting the dirty boot in someone else's house is seen as their historical right.
Behind this bloated greatness of Russians there is something completely incomprehensible, incompetent and humiliating .
This is hate for everything non-Russian. Russia has been trying to eliminate Ukrainians as a nation for more than 300 years, using genocide and terror. This is also what has made Ukrainians stronger than granite.
This time the great-power abuse by Russia will not succeed.
/Stand with Ukraine Gothenburg


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