How Ukraine and the Western countries have to respond to russian missile terror?


Aftermath of russian missile attack on Chasiv Yar, Donetsk region

Last days of November are known to many in modern society as a period of sales. This happened this year as well: streets of European cities were filled with light and people who were running to buy something cheap. Everything seems usual, like in the good old days, but not for all… Ukrainian people and cities do not have the luxury of having a peaceful life and light. This is the result of massive missile attacks unleashed by invading russian force on civil Ukrainian infrastructure in October-November 2022.

Only in the period of two weeks, between November 15th and November 23rd, russian terroristic force launched 397 missiles and several hundred Iranian kamikaze drones targeting Ukrainian infrastructure. Direct consequence of the attacks was a blackout of the whole country where people for couple of days had to leave without electricity, water and heating with temperature dropping in many Ukrainian regions below zero.


russia is threatening to continue massive missile attacks and definately will, if not stopped, until Ukrainian resistance is broken. If no action is taken by the Western countries, Europe will face huge migration crisis when ten of millions of Ukrainians will have to leave their home. Will European Union be able to face this challenge?
During the last missile attacks one of the russian-produced missiles fell in Poland killing two people, in addition territory of neighboring Moldova was out of electricity together with Ukrainian cities. This shows that keeping the war within the Ukrainian borders becomes every day harder. The Western countries invite the war on the territory of the European Union by its indecisiveness. In practice, if Ukraine falls, the missiles will rain down European cities. Russian propagandists do mention this all the time in their shows. 
What can the Western countries do to stop russia? There are several steps that can secure Ukrainian win and save lifes of people together with energy infrastructure. The first most important step is to give Ukrainian army long-range assault weapons such as long-range missiles. After russia invaded Ukraine and especially after terroristic attacks on civil infrastructure, military objects inside russia has become legitimate targets for Ukrainian army. Giving Ukraine long-range missiles will create a parity with the enemy and allow destroying factories that produce missiles and missiles dumps. This action removes the very root of missile attacks. One example of the long-range missile is air-to-surface AGM-158 JASSM missile or its analogs.
The next step to support Ukraine is to strengthen air defense system. Western countries delivered some amount of air defense systems to Ukraine that is a vital addition to Ukrainian air defense capabilities. Ukrainians are grateful for this, however, this amount is not enough. The systems that were delivered by the allies are short and middle range air defense systems. Ukrainian military needs long range air defense systems, for instance Patriot, to improve efficiency of the defense against massive missile attacks.
To survive in the war, Ukraine also needs financial support. The country has lost a significant amount of production abilities, its economy and critical infrastructure.  Only the russian missile attack on November 15th caused direct damage to Ukraine's economy between $500 million and $1 billion. The Western countries have been supporting the economy of our country so far and this aid should be continued until the unconditional Ukrainian victory. 
Starting from the beginning of the war, the Western countries were reluctant to give weapons to Ukraine. But all the doubts of the experts and politicians are dispelled by reality
    - Ukrainian army survived despite all odds
    - Ukrainian army mastered weapons from different parts of the world demonstrating the results better than NATO armies
    - Ukrainian army intelligently uses the given resources squeezing maximum from what they have
Many thanks to all who supported militarily Ukraine so far. However, the course of war changes constantly and at this moment Ukraine most requires the weapons aforementioned above. Doubts and delays in providing the necessary equipment increase the cost of the war and the suffering of Ukrainians.

While people in Europe complain about increased energy prices and inflation, Ukrainians are paying the ultimate price with their blood going through the horror of darkness. We need to remember this every day and remember about three steps that will bring peace to Europe

  1. Long-range missiles to Ukraine

  2. Long-range air defence systems to Ukraine

  3. Financial support to Ukraine.

Worth noting that Ukraine is not asking for alms - Ukrainian defenders are protecting Europe.

If the Western countries want to have a war on their territory tomorrow - ignore the appeals of the Ukrainians and prepare for bombings and coldness!

/Stand with Ukraine Gothenburg 🇺🇦🇸🇪


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