Ruscism is modern imperial Nazism, a disease of Russian society

In 2018, during the meetings of the Valdai Discussion Club, russian president vladimir putin said the following answering a question about the nuclear doctrine of the russian federation: "We will go to heaven as martyrs, and they [residents of the USA and Europe] will simply croak, because they will not have time to repent" . In the following years, putin repeatedly threatened the world community with nuclear weapons. The apogee of these threats was the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. putin put the russian nuclear triad on alert, confirming the intention to use nuclear weapons at any moment. Starting from this moment the world community found itself balancing on the brink of existence. What about the russian opposition abroad? What are they doing at such a tragic time? The russian opposition takes care of the mobilised personnel of the occupation army in Ukraine. They are worried about the fact that the hands of the murderers of Ukrainian women a...