Ruscism is modern imperial Nazism, a disease of Russian society
In 2018, during the meetings of the Valdai Discussion Club, russian president vladimir putin said the following answering a question about the nuclear doctrine of the russian federation: "We will go to heaven as martyrs, and they [residents of the USA and Europe] will simply croak, because they will not have time to repent".
In the following years, putin repeatedly threatened the world community with nuclear weapons. The apogee of these threats was the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. putin put the russian nuclear triad on alert, confirming the intention to use nuclear weapons at any moment. Starting from this moment the world community found itself balancing on the brink of existence.
What about the russian opposition abroad? What are they doing at such a tragic time? The russian opposition takes care of the mobilised personnel of the occupation army in Ukraine. They are worried about the fact that the hands of the murderers of Ukrainian women and children do not freeze. The message showing this hypocrisy dates December 6, 2022. On this day, the Latvian regulator canceled the license of the russian opposition media channel TV "Rain". The reason for such decision was the support for the russian army which was expressed by the TV channel host during the live stream.
Is this a single example of the russian opposition's love for imperialism? No.
In fact, the current Kremlin leadership and the majority of the russian opposition is one single and indivisible entity. Therefore, putin’s elimination and compromises with the "moderate" elites in russia will not change the situation.
"If you are against putin, then you are for a democratic russia", - such a common opinion in the Western countries is fallacious. The reason for such a vision is a misunderstanding of the essence of russia and the fact that it is possible to oppose certain personalities, but support the imperial course of the country. To demonstrate this, let's consider three categories of the russian opposition: journalists, opposition abroad and within russia itself.
Let's start with representatives of the so-called liberal journalists and analyze Aleksey Venediktov. Formerly the editor-in-chief of Echo of Moscow recently received an award in Germany for freedom of the press.
Therefore, he is seen as a supporter of democracy and a leader of the opinions of the democratic russian society abroad. But for some reason in Europe people forget that he calls putin his only boss, has close friends from the Kremlin administration and main russian propagandists, see photo 1.
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Photo 1. Three propagandists, the deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of russia together with Venediktov after the birthday party event |
Can anyone imagine that the anti-Hitler opposition in Germany in the 40s of the last century took pictures with Goebbels or Streicher?
Venediktov's main role in the existing system of russian governance is to create the illusion of a civilised russia abroad, to distract the world community from a detailed analysis of the actions of this country.
Let's move on to Russian political figures and start with Milayl Khodorkovsky. In the past, the Russian oligarch spent 10 years in prison for political reasons. Today, he lives in Europe and is a prominent representative of the fighters against putin. In 2020, Khodorkovsky gave a long interview to the Russian journalist Albats. One question touched upon his attitude to russia's policy in the North Caucasus. What did the Russian liberal say? It turns out that the North Caucasus is russian land, because russia conquered it. Moreover, the fighter against putin is ready to defend this conquered land with weapons in hand, see video 1.
Video 1. Khodorkovsky interview regarding the North Caucasus.
The statement from the Russian politician echoes the genocide that russian army has perpetrated against the people of the Caucasus for centuries. What kind of country is Khodorkovsky going to build after putin?
Another prominent Russian figure is Alexey Navalny. He is considered by the Western countries as the last hope for a democratic russia. Known for his anti-corruption investigations, Navalny mercilessly criticizes putin and the circle close to him. What is his foreign policy though? How does he treat his neighbors? After the annexation of Crimea in 2014, he gave an interview to Echo of Moscow, where he uttered the infamous phrase: "Crimea is what a sandwich to be returned back and forth?".
This is how he answered the question about a possibility of returnning the peninsula to Ukraine. Navalny saw the resolution of the war in Donbas in the implementation of the Minsk agreements, and not in the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of Ukraine. In addition, the russian liberal supported the war in Georgia in 2008, called the inhabitants of this country rodents.
Can the aforementioned politicians build a new democratic russia? What kind of liberals are they if they consider all the achievements of the empire to be legitimate?
From the given facts, we can conclude that putin is not the cause of the war and the authoritarian system. He is only a consequence of the disease in a society that dreams of imperialism and greatness.
How did it happen you may ask? To comprehend this, one needs to dive into the historical essence of russia. The beginning of russia is Muscovy that was a part of the Golden Horde, which separated into a separate state at the end of the 15th century. Muscovy adopted the governance system of the Golden Horde on its territory and was always an aggressive entity that set the goal of its existence as the expansion and ruining of the neighboring states. The name "Russia" or "Russian Empire" appeared only in 1721, when Peter I declared the territory of Muscovy an empire. It is worth noting that Peter I chose the name of the state for a reason. Such a name was supposed to give Muscovy the right to expand on the lands of the Slavic states, the territory of today's Ukraine. Over the centuries, the structure of Russian governance has not changed. You can get acquainted with the economic and historical analysis that confirms this thesis here.
This governance structure is essentially colonial with a metropolitan center that sucks all resources from its colonies. This is what had happened to Ukraine.
For three hundred years, Ukraine was a donor to the empire, its main part. Without Ukraine, its brains and resources, the orc’s empire is doomed. The war of 2022 shows that Ukraine will no longer give away its best children to Muscovy to satisfy imperial morbid desires. And it is and will be a free state. That is why the imperials are so mad, sensing the end of their metropolis.
Cultivation of aggression among the Russian people overlaid with impunity for crimes committed against colonial nations led to the disease of society. The essence of such a society was described by the Russian "philosopher" Ivan Ilyin. The apologist of fascist and Nazi ideologies repeatedly justified the actions of Hitler and Mussolini in his works. Ilyin sees russia only as an empire with the dictatorship of a leader, the exclusive role of the church and the army. The fate of the russian empire is to protect the Eurasian space from numerous enemies and engage in the re-education of smaller nations.
Such a "philosopher" is repeatedly quoted by putin, prime minister medvedev, Foreign Minister lavrov, patriarch kirill and representatives of the ruling party. Moreover, Ilyin's books were recommended as mandatory reading for the russian bureaucratic apparatus. Therefore, it should not be surprising that putin does not see any Ukrainian people and culture. Because in the ideology of ruscism or imperial Nazism there is no place for other peoples except russians. Ruscism is a term used by a number of scientists, politicians and publicists to describe the political ideology and social practices of the russian government during putin's rule. It is also used to refer to the ideology of russian military expansionism.
A natural question arises: "How many Russian liberals do focus on the problem of the fascism in russia, its chauvinistic policy?". An answer is very simple - almost no one. They talk about corruption as the root cause of all problems portraying russia as a civilized country. Such activity is beneficial to the imperialists in the Kremlin, because while the "liberals" are distracting the West with corruption, putin can use money and technology from the Western countries to prepare for a new expansion.
There are not enough liberals and sober people in russia for changes in the country. The majority of the nation is overwhelmed with imperialism (territorial greatness, conquest, looting of culture and property of others) to varying degrees.
What is the way out of the situation? There is only one way out – the disintegration of russia which will deprive the ruscists of the status of a planetary Gulag. Next steps are the confiscation of a dangerous argument - russia's nuclear arsenal, and the beginning of preparations for possible peacekeeping measures. In the 90s of the last century, the Western countries believed in "democratic russia", although no real structural changes to eradicate imperialism took place. Recall the wars in Moldova, Georgia and Ichkeria. Russia was given access to Western technologies and money. Ten years later putin came to power and used the resources provided to build a monster ready to kill millions. World society has no right to make the same mistake again.
The only way to peace, prosperity and democracy in Europe is the disintegration, disarmament and decolonization of russia!
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