Recently, a Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet published an article "US support for Ukraine may rapidly weaken" [1]. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the international community has repeatedly seen how well-known organizations, political figures and experts spread Russian narratives and openly played into the hands of the Kremlin. But it is difficult to find almost all the myths of ruscist propaganda in one material.

Openly or between the lines, the authors of the article want to convince us of the following:

- the reason for the war is the expansion of NATO

- diplomatic instruments to prevent war were not tried

- it is necessary to talk with Putin in order to save the lives of Ukrainians

- a nuclear state cannot lose in a conventional war

- the future of Ukraine should be discussed without Ukraine itself

- Ukraine cannot win on the battlefield, so there is no need to prolong the war.

Let us remind once again that Ukraine and its people are fighting against fascist russia for the right of the Ukrainian nation to exist. Moscovite’s troops want to destroy Ukrainians physically, their language and culture, because an independent, free and strong Ukraine is a direct threat to the russian empire. For three hundred years, Ukraine was a donor to Muscovy, its integral part. Without Ukraine, its brains and resources, the orc’s empire is doomed. This is the main reason for the war.

There is nothing about NATO expansion in the war. If the NATO’s expansion worried the Kremlin, then its troops would be on the border with Finland, which became a member of NATO just recently. We suggest readers check the distance from the border of Finland to St. Petersburg and from the border of Ukraine to Moscow and everything becomes clear.

Regarding the diplomatic tools to prevent the war which according to the authors of the article were not used. This is not true. For some reason, the memory of renowned researchers and analysts has faded, but let's remind them.

In 2014, under pressure from the Western countries, without firing a SINGLE shot, Ukraine gave up Crimea to putin to prevent a big war. But this did not stop him and he invaded into Donbas. Then, Ukrainians were offered to sign the Minsk agreements. Did it help? No, Ukrainian sons and daughters continued to die while the "peacemakers" in the West enjoyed the so-called peace. And 8 years later, in February 2022, a full-scale war began, the likes of which Europe had not known since the Second World War. This is the result of diplomacy with putin! How many deaths of Ukrainians do the "peacekeepers" in the West need to recognize a simple fact - Russia violates any agreements?! It can be stopped only by force.

The authors of the article try to convince the readers that Ukraine will not be able to defeat Russia on the battlefield even with the help of Western countries, referring to "sources" in the Pentagon. Are these the same sources that

- predicted the fall of Kyiv in three days, and Ukraine in a couple of weeks

- predicted the destruction of the Air Force of Ukraine at the initial stage of the war

- never expected the Kharkiv operation and the quick liberation of Kherson

- according to them russians take Bakhmut in a week starting from the fall 2022?

The forecasts of these sources turned out to be wrong.

Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian military were not in even conditions with adversary while defending Europe. The enemy has a significant advantage (several times) in heavy equipment, in the air force, in the number of shells. It uses long-range missiles without any consequences, because Ukraine has nothing to answer with. In this situation, Ukrainian troops not only defend, but liberate territories as well.

BUT the price of  the Ukrainian army's success is very high. The price is the life and blood of Ukrainian defenders. Yes, Ukraine receives very important and necessary help from partners, for which Ukrainians are very grateful. But will the reader not agree that this aid is given to slow down the advance of the occupiers and not to achieve a victory? Look at the quantity and timings of armament delivery.

For example, it took almost a year to MAKE a decision on the supply of tanks and heavy weapons. In addition, there is still no solution for the supply of missiles with a range more than 300 km. Why are the missiles lying in warehouses at the time when the fate of Europe is at stake? The authors of the article do not believe in the capabilities of the Ukrainian army? Then, deliver the necessary armaments and see the result by yourself.

For those who believe that Ukraine receives a lot of aid, please check the amount of aid that  the USA provided to Great Britain under the Lend-Lease program during the Second World War. It amounted to approximately $520 billion in 2023 prices.

The authors of the article try to convince us that they feel very sorry for the Ukrainian people. "Give part of the territory to putin, so that ordinary people stop dying," they seem to say to the reader. At the same time, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for putin, accusing him of war crimes. The call from the authors comes after the atrocities in Bucha, Irpen, Izyum, Kherson, Mariupol and other cities and villages. The authors suggest handing over Ukrainians in the occupied territories to the wild russian horde. Let the ruscists quietly kill Ukrainian people while the authors can preach about "peace".

The Ukrainian people clearly expressed their opinion regarding the end of the war. According to a recent survey, 87 percent refuse to make territorial concessions to putin in exchange of peace [2], and 95 percent believe in the victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine [3]. The only thing Ukrainians are asking for is weapons.

Therefore, we call on all unscrupulous analysts, researchers, politicians in the West, who want to sell Ukraine to the Kremlin, to stop hiding their true intentions with the lives of the Ukrainian people. Such actions are real hypocrisy.

Let us ask the question, could it be that people who create and spread the Kremlin’s narratives are actually doing its bidding? Can there be parallels with the events in Bulgaria [4]?

Materials that describe how Russian propaganda works in the Western countries can be found in [5], [6].

All authoritarian and aggressive regimes are closely watching the outcome of the war, thus Ukraine's unconditional victory is important for the stability of the free world in the future. The international community should reject all proposals that would allow putin to regroup and renew his forces. Calling for a boycott of organizations, corporations and individuals who defend the interests of tyranny and earn money on the blood and lives of people.









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