Business with the devil or who in the West profits from trading with Kremlin and supports russian fascism

[ You can listen to a short version of the article in the form of a podcast using the link . If you want to follow all arguments and analysis, please read the article below.] This article starts a series of materials aimed at exposing those groups in the Western countries that profit from the suffering of Ukrainians and help putin and Moscow's imperialism achieve their goals. After the invasion of the russian federation (further on in the text the historical name of this state Muscovy is used) in Ukraine, a sufficient number of officials in the West stated that the beginning of the war came as a surprise to them. No one could have imagined such a thing, – they say. After reading all the articles from this series, the reader will be able to draw a conclusion if it is really the case. Our first material is aimed at exposing the activities of the Western companies that help to lay the foundation of the aggressor's army. To date, the European Union has adopted 10 packages of s...