
Showing posts from July, 2023


  How effective is propaganda? Is it the cause and origin of crimes committed by the population of those countries where totalitarian, aggressive regimes reign? Paying much attention to propaganda, we forget that the driving force of any society, even a totalitarian one, is its population. Without its will, it is impossible to commit crimes on a planetary scale. Considering the history of the past, we can recall that the National Socialist German Workers' Party gradually increased its presence in Reichstag before the proclamation of Hitler as Fuhrer. In November 1932, the NSDAP won 33.1% of the votes in the democratic elections in the Weimar Republic. At that time, there was no total Goebbels propaganda, however the idea of a great Germany was present in the air. Propaganda is not the cause of the events, but only a tool for consolidating the population around a single leader. A population that actually wants to hear the ideas of propaganda, looks for the idealogy, feels united wit...


  The catastrophe in Novaya Kakhovka revealed the new aspects of the world community and its dealing with the crisis. Western media vocalized doubts on which side could have blown the dam – Russia or Ukraine. Russian propaganda has immediately put the blame on Ukraine, while Russian liberal movement has been triumphing over new occasion for blaming both sides. The biggest humanitarian organizations remained silent ignoring the disaster. Ukraine was left alone to rescue drowning humans and animals in the environmental apocalypse.  Indifference or “deep concern” from the international community is no longer news for Ukrainians. Shifting responsibility by different means has also been commonplace since the war in Ukraine started. Two techniques regularly used in the West on the war in Ukraine are bothsidesing and victim blaming.  Bothsidesing refers to media giving credence to the other side of a cause, action, or idea to seem fair or only for the sake of argument when the c...