Since the start of the full-scale war of Russia in Ukraine, we have witnessed numerous events and activities in support of Ukraine. Many voices world over have been heard on the topic of the war in Ukraine. There have been created NGO’s in support of Ukraine, panel discussions have taken place, articles and books have been released. We are grateful to individuals and organizations who sincerely support Ukrainians and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in their fight for freedom.
What brought our attention since the war started is that Russians are often invited to take part in the events, activities, and panel discussions on the war in Ukraine as equal voices to Ukrainians. Russians not only use the war in Ukraine to bring attention to themselves – they also capitalize the tragedy of Ukrainians. We have seen Russians publishing books and taking part in events, creating own job opportunities on integrating Ukrainian refugees in Europe, speaking during events on behalf of Ukrainians and presenting their expertise on “peace” in Ukraine.
Russians have been silencing the voices of Ukrainians by taking substantial place in the information space since the first day of war. Many international organizations arrange events on Russia’s war in Ukraine, and few of them include Ukrainian voices. Russians are still seen by the Western community as those who have expertise, and Russian scholars are invited to speak instead of Ukrainians.
NGO’s in support of Ukraine give jobs to Russians, knowing little on their political views. These Russians mock the Ukrainian language and dominate the Ukrainian information space with Russian language.  Why do we in the Western community still allow Russians take so much space?
Today we are making history, and letting Russian voices sound equal to Ukrainian ones means suppressing them. Russians who don’t support the regime and stand against it is a tiny minority. Letting Russians speak instead of Ukrainians we create a false balance in the current and future history. Ukrainians fight on the frontline sacrificing the best sons and daughters for freedom while Russians hide in silence or victimize themselves in the European exile. Do they have the same right to speak out on the war in Ukraine?  Most of Russians know nothing of the Ukrainian language and history. The majority support the ideology of imperialism, even those against the regime of Putin. Few or none of them visited Ukraine during the war. What kind of expertise and moral right do Russians have to speak on the war in Ukraine?
Don’t let Russians silence the voices of Ukraine:
    -  Do not legitimize the representants of the aggressor nation.
    -  Stop Russians from making profit on the Ukrainian tragedy.
    -  Prioritize voices from Ukraine.
    -  Limit Russians in the information space – they are neither brothers in arms or friends in need of Ukrainians.
    -  Do not treat Russians as those who have a right to speak on the war in Ukraine.
Because they don’t.


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